Letter from the VP Recruitment

Dear Potential New Members,I am so happy for you to begin joining a lifelong sisterhood. During the recruitment process, I rememberbeing so unsure if I would truly find what I was looking for. Before going through this process, I recommend you sit it down and think about what you want from it. Think about your goals, aspirations,your values, and your purpose. For me, I wanted an outlet to volunteer and be involved in philanthropicaspects for a cause I felt inspired by. With Alpha Gam I got exactly that but so much more. I stillremember my formal recruitment process and it’s so bittersweet. I am so blessed I went through thisprocess. It’s given me an amazing group of women to be surrounded by, a newfound confidence,leadership experience, and future bridesmaids of course!I want you to know that no matter who you are you have a place and are welcomed into this community.There can be a lot of nerves and anxiety that come with new experiences such as freshman year ofcollege and sorority recruitment. You will learn more about yourself and meet so many amazing womenon your college campus. You will meet women that you don't always run home with but this experiencehas brought you together and possibly become friends.Even if you are still deciding about recruitment, I encourage you to take a chance and go for it! I am soexcited to meet you and learn about what makes you live with purpose! From Vice President of Recruitment, Natalie Distlehorst. For more recruitment information, follow @siualphagam and @siuc_cpa on Instagram!

Introduce yourself to Alpha Gam!

Are you interested in joining Alpha Gamma Delta? Click here to introduce yourself to our members on your campus!

Recruitment Information

Members and non-members are encouraged to recommend Potential New Members who embody our values for membership through the Recruitment Information Form. Upon completion, this form will notify chapters of PNMs participating in the Primary Recruitment and/or COB process.

Recruitment Information Forms are not a requirement—nor do they guarantee membership—but they are beneficial to our chapters when filled out as completely as possible.

Link to RIF